About NB Forest

NB Forest is a regional information and communication portal on forest research in the Nordic and Baltic region. It promotes the dissemination and sharing of forest and forestry-related information and knowledge for the regional forestry community. Currently NB Forest supports the following types of information: news, facts and reviews, a blog and events.

Information will be provided from forest research institutions which participate in the Nordic Forest Research (SNS) and EFINORD cooperation, thereby covering the whole Nordic and Baltic Sea region. Other forest research institutions in the Baltic Sea region are invited to participate in the project. Information should be available in English, where possible.

The motivation, as researcher or research institution, to participate and contribute to the information portal is multiple. In addition to direct access to new knowledge about forest research in the Baltic Sea region, participating institutions will, free of charge, gain experience and capacity building. The portal is a unique way to communicate research results and create a network of knowledge for participating institutions.

The blog is an open forum for researchers and forest sector stakeholders to discuss forest issues in the region. Blog submission is open for all and highly encouraged. Please send them to the webmaster email below.

Contact us: webmaster (at) nbforest.info

In the Baltic Sea region, there is an evident need to fill the gap between existing national and global information portals, as the target groups and their information needs are different. A regional information service in the Baltic Sea region will strengthen regional development by offering a platform for sharing knowledge, where each country can draw on the other countries’ experiences within a specific research field. These fields of research are often so specialized that countries might not alone have the capacity sustain research and development.

The information portal is a joint project of Nordic Forest Research (SNS) and the North European Regional Office of the European Forest Institute (EFINORD). Forest research institutions in the SNS Network “Nordic-Baltic Forest Research Communicators” are key partners in the implementation and content provisioning of the information portal.

NB Forest is financially supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers as part of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Action Plan.

Download NB Forest Project Budget vs. Actual 3 Years (pdf).