8th International Forest Vegetation Management Conference
The Title of this year's conference: Vegetation management: habitat, production and environment
Management of vegetation that competes with desired forest species has evolved since the first IUFRO conference in 1992. We are faced with changing climates while demands from users of forests for a greater range of ecosystem services and for greater involvement in forest management are expanding. While herbicides are still important tools in many parts of the world, in other places they have been restricted. It is timely therefore, to take stock and ask questions such as:
What advances in management of competing vegetation are required in order to meet new demands on forests and on forest management?
What are the short-term and long-term effects of vegetation management treatments on biodiversity, habitat and crop yields?
What changes are evident in species composition and competition in a changing climate, and what are the consequences for management of competing vegetation?
How can we manage invasive species in forests?
Can models, decision support and geospatial tools help us to make better decisions about when and how to control competing vegetation in the face of these changes?
Call for Papers!
Please submit titles and abstracts for papers or posters relating to the conference themes by March 31st 2014 HERE
Authors whose papers or posters are accepted should create a 3-page popular summary of their paper for inclusion in the conference proceedings.
Full papers will be be published in a special issue of the Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research.
January: Call for papers
March 31: Deadline for submissions
May 15: Authors informed of acceptance
TBA: Deadline for popular summaries
November 30: Deadline for submission of full papers to the Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research
Register HERE
Conference homepage HERE