Joensuu Forest Networking Week 2013, 27-31th of May

Facts & Reviews

The 5thJoensuu Forest Networking Week was arranged by Metla in cooperation with University of Eastern Finland, EFI, EFINORD and North Karelia University of Applied Sciences. This year topic was How to meet the increasing demand for wood in Europe?

Research students Giulia Attocchi and Ida Wallin from Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre of SLU took part in the event and had the possibility to extend their professional networks and establish contacts with high level expertise. The focus of the conference was on increasing forest productivity mainly for bioenergy while ensuring a sustainable forest management. This is a really important new aspect that not only foresters and scientists have to face, but also policy makers. 

The program offered interesting presentations by researchers and forest stakeholders from various organisations and universities in Europe. Metla director, JariParvianen talked about integrated forest management, UPM vice president Stefan SundmanpresentedEU policy for renewable energyfrom a business perspective andkeynote speaker Thomas Lundmark from SLU described intensive forest management in the future. The increasing demand for wood within Europe is not the only challenge for future forest management:in fact other highly important ecological and social services that forests. These and other relevant aspects were discussed, and their complexity was very well presented by Frits Mohren, from Wageningen University.

Young researchers were actively involved throughout the week, with poster presentations of their own research andgroup discussions about different topics inherent to the thematic of the conference which were summarized reflecting the perspectives of non-industrial forest owners, NGOs and energy producing industry. The last day was assigned for group presentations and questions regarding the different perspectives. 

The indoor program was complemented with an excursion in the surroundings of Joensuu exposing Finnish forestry practices and mechanization possibilities of planting and cleaning of young stands, with a visit to plant nursery and ended with a traditional Finnish sauna. 

For more information about the event and presentations by speakers visit: 

JFNW 2013