Forestry and environment

Relative contributions of set-asides and tree retention to the long-term availability of key forest biodiversity structures at the landscape scale

Facts & Reviews

This study simulates the long-term effects of set-aside establishment and tree retention practices on the future availability of large trees and dead wood. These are two forest structures of high importance to biodiversity conservation. The researchers used a forest decision support system to project the amounts of these structures over 200 years in two landscapes from Northern Sweden under different management scenarios: with and without set-asides and tree retention.

How can history benefit the understanding of threatened species?


Temperate broadleaved forest in Bialowieza national park , eastern Poland. Photo: Tove Hultberg

Short-rotation bioenergy stands as an alternative to spruce plantations: implications for bird biodiversity

Facts & Reviews

Global efforts to decrease dependence on fossil fuels have increased interest in bioenergy production.One source of bioenergy is fast growing deciduous tree species, such as hybrid aspen (Populus × wettsteinii Hämet-Ahti).

The paper focuses on biodiversity implications of replacing production forest types with hybrid aspen a form of reforestation taking place in northern Europe. The study compares avian biodiversity of young hybrid aspen with spruce (Picea abies L.) plantations of similar age.

Large carnivores are back in Europe!


Research shows that the numbers of wild large carnivores in Europe have been constantly increasing. Surprisingly, the animal populations are found in the same places as people. The new study published in the journal Science by Guillaume Chapron and colleagues is containing the most exhaustive data set ever collected on large carnivores in Europe.

Results are indeed surprising, especially when considering Europe’s long history of dense human population and ever changing developed landscapes. If true, this is indeed a conservation success story.

Norway is mapping its “green gold” in the north (News from Skog och Landskap Norge, Author: Lars Sandved Dalen)


Fisheries, oil and tourism are very important industrial branches in Norway’s northern counties of Finnmark, Nordland and Troms. However, there is growing interest in mapping the natural “green” resources of the region. Researchers are studying the vegetation in these regions with the help of stereoscopic glasses and are registering different plant populations to complete mapping areas. Researchers hope that this knowledge will enhance resource utilization and will play an important role in innovation and the development of agricultural industries.

Safeguarding genetic diversity (News from Skog och Landskap Norge, Author: John Olav Oldertrøen)


The Norwegian Genetic Resource Centre coordinates expertise and activities to conserve and utilize genetic resources for food and agriculture in Norway. Access to genetic resources is fundamental to the production of food and other agricultural and forestry products. 

Meet researchers that are passionate about their work (News from Skog och Landskap Norge)


In this new article from the Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute we get to meet researcher Lone Ross Gobakken. With a vast research experience, Lone talks about her current and past projects, ambitions and passion.

Three of the projects that Lone is involved with are:

The DURAWOOD project – “Superior bio-friendly systems for enhanced wood durability”.A Polish-Norwegian research project aiming to develop sustainable and durable systems for treating wood to be used in a variety of applications and as a substitute to traditional methods of wood treatment. 

Fewer forests less fish

Facts & Reviews

A new study suggests that aquatic ecosystems are sustained by the inputs from surrounding forests and that disturbances that change these inputs can affect how aquatic ecosystems function. With other words, forest cover around rivers and lakes determine how healthy the fish found in these waters are. 

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